This History Gallery’s charge is to ensure that Little Rock’s African American history is not something that is marginal, vague, hazy, or unimportant. History informs and gives understanding to what helped to shape us into who we are today. While history reveals information that is positive and negative, the purpose is to provide a clear understanding of why it matters. The decisions that are made everyday certainly have portions of who, why, and what came before us.
One of the most important parts of any culture is the preservation of its history. In so many pursuits, people turn to to libraries, universities, historical societies, museums and certain historical online sites for information because these repositories are purposed to store treasures of the past. Many of these sources have none or brief information written by someone who did not experience the history that is preserved in this Gallery. The preservation of history requires comittment and not simple neglect and indifference. At the risk of losing priceless documents and artifacts, this Gallery has become the repository where some people initially learn about the impact of Little Rock’s past educational system, and the affects on their communities. They not only can view images or documents, in many instances they are able to examine artifacts. The motto underwhich this Gallery operates serves as the foundational purpose of this Gallery: “Until lions have their own historians, tales of the hunt shall always golrify the hunter.” ——————————————————

Faye Perry Russ

“Do something today for which your

future self will be thankful.”

“Until Lions have their historians,  Tales of the hunt shall  always glorify the hunter.”        --African Proverb
Out of the Attic History Gallery 2023
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